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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 9:58:37 PST
From: RISKS Forum <risks@csl.sri.com>
Subject: RISKS DIGEST 15.64

RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest  Thursday 10 March 1994  Volume 15 : Issue 64


Date: Sat, 5 Mar 1994 16:37:30 -0800
From: Phil Agre <pagre@ucsd.edu>
Subject: Getting help on the Internet (Yurman, RISKS-15.57)

In response to Dan Yurman's note in RISKS-15.57 about misguided teachers
instructing students to send basic questions to Internet discussion groups,
I've written a short article about how to ask people for information (on or
off the net).  The skills it describes are common sense to long-time net
dwellers, but they're definitely not common sense to beginners.  To fetch a
copy, send a message that looks like:

  To: rre-request@weber.ucsd.edu
  Subject: archive send getting-help

Feel free to post it to any discussion groups that have had this problem,
or send it to teachers or students involved in courses that involve
Internet-based research.

Phil Agre, UCSD


End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 15.64

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